martes, 16 de abril de 2019

9AS - 490 kHz - SPLIT RADIO NAVTEX (F) - Isla Hvar (HRV) - QSL

SPLIT RADIO/9AS ha comenzado recientemente las pruebas para su servicio nacional NAVTEX en los 490 kHz. Emite en el turno F, de momento sólo un mensaje de prueba. Željko Bračić ha respondido a mi informe de recepción:
"Dear Mauricio,                                                                                                                                              
Thank you for your information about the reception of new SPLIT NATIONAL NAVTEX 490 kHz radio station emission in national language. Today, we are sending to you QSL card by post.

This is to inform you that during the past few months we have been working on the modernization of NAVTEX system and implementation of the NAVTEX at 490 kHz (National Navtex), on same location of Hvar island (transmitters/antenna).

Soon, we will also create a new QSL cards for confirmation of the receiption on 490 kHz and 518 kHz.
I wish you a lot of pleasure and success in your hobby.
Best regards". Thank you very much!.
11ABR2019 - 20'50 UTC - 1945 km

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